Sunday, June 13, 2010

Misery Loves Company.....

"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice."
~Wayne Dyer

I saw this quote this morning and I really don't want to admit it, but it sounds a lot like me lately, well...not when I was on vacation in Italy for 2 1/2 weeks (will share about that later) but I have been miserable and totally lacking in motivation! I will also say that I know I am in good company because I see my Facebook friends post about lack of motivation constantly!

How many of us have dreams and desires that are yet unfulfilled and we sit back and feel miserable that our dreams aren't coming true? My dream is to craft full time and not have to work at my present job. I realize that feeling miserable that I have to go to my job each day takes up too much of my energy and leaves me with no motivation. I spend too much time thinking instead of doing!! Do I really think a Genie is going to sweep in, grant me the wish of success so I can quit this job? I wish lol....but it's going to take motivation, hard work and long hours! If I want my dreams to come true, I must make the choice to motivate myself and put in the time and effort that it will take to make my dreams a reality!

I love to be challenged and so I have set up a challenge schedule to try and keep myself on track! Here is a list of items that I want to accomplish each week!

  • 5 Dolls
  • 10 Ornies
  • 5 Harvest/Fall/Halloween Items
  • 5 Winter/Christmas Items
  • 5 Misc/Everyday Items

Sound ambitious? Well maybe so but I have a big 2 1/2 day craft show in October that I have to get ready for and my new career as a full time crafter....right? ;)

So, who is up for a challenge? Post your thoughts and your new goals and we will accomplish this together!! Oh....accountability comes to play in this whole equation, so on Mondays, I will be posting what I accomplished during the week! I think I will call it Motivated Monday! Since I just started this new venture, don't expect too much from me tomorrow but I will post something that I make today to prove that I am serious!! really....I am!!! Are you?


  1. It is something I've noticed as well Dina. I recently read where someone had been depending on others to keep things interesting in her ventures. She is now searching for other ventures and more people to keep those humming along. She shouldn't be looking at other ventures or other people to do what should be coming from herself. It is quite simply up to us to keep things fresh, motivating and moving along. I think it's normal to go in waves sometimes. I love your enthusiasm and you are a very creative person. Follow your bliss and pour out your creativity into all of your handmade work. I can't wait to see what is coming for you! I chose my business name because I believe like you do... harvest your blessings ♥ Take good care, Dawn :)

  2. Hi Dina! I too am lacking in motivation due to lack of energy. I know I could be doing more and if I do more then hubby has to do more ya see. LOL. He has to make my woodcrafts that I brainstorm up. I should really try and create with other materials too, besides just wood. I think I have a lazy streak in me. Ya think? LOL. I wish you the best of luck, you can do it! Love ya! Carol
